How Double Pane Windows Benefit Your Home

How Double Pane Windows Benefit Your Home

replacement windows in Milton Freewater, OR

While researching replacement windows in Milton Freewater, OR, you may have noticed that single-pane windows are cheaper than double-pane windows. This might make you wonder why window professionals recommend the latter.

There are hidden costs to getting single-pane windows, while double-pane windows offer maximum benefits for your home.

Below, we discuss these benefits and how single-pane windows fail to measure up. But first, you should know what both types of windows are.

What are Single-Pane and Double-Pane Windows

Single-pane windows have one layer of glass. They are available in different styles and materials and offer wind protection.

A double-pane window has two layers (or panes) of glass. There is a gap between the panes filled with air or insulating gas like Argon and Krypton.

So, why is an extra pane of glass more beneficial for your home?

Double-Pane Windows are Better Insulators

High insulation is the most rewarding benefit of buying double-pane windows for your home. The extra layer of glass prevents outside air from getting inside and inside air from escaping.

This ability has been proven to reduce energy usage by 24% in the winter and 18 percent in the summer. You may have to pay a little more upfront, but buying double-pane windows saves you money in the long term.

Single-pane windows are by no means terrible insulators. And you can improve their insulating properties by adding window film. But this is a short-term solution, and it still won’t match the efficiency of a double-pane window.

Plus, their insulation capability is also beneficial if you’re eco-conscious. Without needing more energy to maintain room temperature, you can save up to 6000 pounds of CO2 or 310 gallons of gasoline a year.

Double-Pane Windows Keep your Home Quiet and Peaceful

Your home should be where you come to keep the world out, away from the stress and noise. Double-pane windows help you achieve that.replacement windows in Milton Freewater, OR

The extra layer serves the double purpose of reducing noise pollution. This may not be a high priority if your home is in a suburb or quiet environment, and a single-pane window may do just fine.

But double-pane windows don’t just limit outside noise. They also keep inside noise in. When closed, passersby can’t easily overhear your conversations, giving you complete privacy in your home.

Of course, this doesn’t mean every double-pane window is sound-proof. The thickness of the glass also matters—the thicker the glass, the better the noise insulation.

Double-Pane Windows Prevent Condensation

Condensation is a common issue with single-pane windows due to the difference between internal and external temperatures. And while condensation may seem like a non-issue, it forewarns a bigger problem.

This temperature difference can cause mold to grow around your windows. Mold is hazardous to your home’s indoor environment and your health.

Investing in double-pane windows helps prevent this and ensures your home is a haven.

Contact us if you have additional questions or are ready to get double-pane replacement windows for your home in Milton Freewater, OR. We offer affordable windows from different brands and installations. Call us to schedule a free in-home consultation with our staff.

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