What are Single-Hung Windows?

What are Single-Hung Windows?

replacement window in Milton Freewater, OR

Single-hung windows are one of the most common window styles in the United States. Chances are if you are looking for replacement windows in Milton Freewater, OR, you’ve seen single-hung windows made with different materials.

Here is what they are and why they are so popular.

A single-hung window has a fixed upper sash and a lower, operable sash. In simpler terms, the top part of the window is fixed permanently, while the bottom part slides up and down to provide ventilation.

That is how single-hung windows differ from double-hung windows, whose parts are both completely movable.

Single-hung windows are available in all three main window materials – wood, fiberglass, and vinyl.

Wood single-hung windows have a traditional, classic feel, while their fiberglass counterparts are incredibly strong and durable. Vinyl windows are equally high-quality and known for their energy efficiency.

Pros and Cons of Single-Hung Windows

Now that you know what single-hung windows are, is there an advantage to them? What are the downsides of getting one? Let’s find out.


1. They are cheap: single-hung windows have a simple design that makes them low-cost. They are especially great options for two-story homes.

2. Very Energy Efficient: because the upper part is permanently sealed, it eliminates air leaks, making them structurally more efficient than double-hung windows.

3. Historical Authenticity: single-hung windows have been around for decades. As a result, when it is time to replace a vintage house’s windows, it is easier to maintain the home’s original look.

4. Saves space: single-hung windows are great for smaller rooms like guest rooms, bathrooms, and studies. Also, because they don’t open outward, they work well in tight spaces, allowing extra sunlight and ventilation.

5. Well secure: since the upper part is fixed, there are fewer points of failure for the window’s locking system. You are less likely to forget locking a single-hung window because it only has one lock.

6. Diverse style: while they only have one moving sash, single-hung windows come in different styles, shapes, and finishing. Available designs include arch, gothic, eyebrow, and special shape.


1. Harder to Clean: cleaning requires extra effort because the upper sash is fixed. You might need a step stool, from the inside and outside.

2. Limited Ventilation: unlike double-hung windows where both sashes open, hot and cold air only have one point of escape. This reduces ventilation effectiveness. Also, one open sash means you can’t adjust the direction of airflow.

How Well Do Single-Hung Windows Last?

Much of the durability of single-hung windows (and windows in general) depends on the frame material.

Wood, when properly maintained, can last a lifetime. Vinyl and fiberglass will last between 20-30 years, but they don’t require much maintenance.replacement windows in Milton Freewater, OR

If you choose a highly durable material, single-hung windows generally last long. There are few mechanical parts, so the points of failure are limited.

All you have to do is clean the window a few times a year to keep it working properly.

Reach out to Perfection Glass for a free in-home consultation to determine if single-hung windows are a great fit for your home. If it isn’t, we offer different types of replacement windows in Milton Freewater, OR. Call us or visit our location today to get started.

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